Saturday, February 11, 2017

The Trump Travel Ban

    On Friday, NPR posted an article summarizing the U.S. circuit court of appeals decision to block an executive order on immigration. The article titled, "5 Key Points From the Appeals Court's Travel Ban Ruling", reviews the specifics of the travel ban and the ruling to appeal it. The travel ban terminates the admission of new refugees for 120 days and bars migrants from seven majority Muslim countries- Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Sudan,Libya, and Somalia- for ninety days. The lower court ruled to temporarily block the executive order on the following grounds, a) there is not enough evidence to support that the ban would prevent "irreparable injury", b) the government was being shifty about the exact terms of the ban, c) the Trump administration was arguing that the courts did not have the authority to arbitrate the executive action, d) states' opposed the action on the grounds that it would interfere with businesses and universities, and e) religious discrimination is unconstitutional. I think that this is an interesting and important article for all to read because it's important to stay educated about the acts of discrimination in order to combat them. The final line of our pledge of allegiance is "with liberty and justice for ALL", and any administration that tries to challenge the foundations of our country must be stopped. 

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